All you need to become a member of the QFHSA (Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations) is pay an annual family fee of $20*
Here are the benefits of becoming a member:
- Access to a wide range of free resources, workshops and networking opportunities that improve leadership skills of Local Home and Schools. Today’s Home and School leaders become tomorrow’s community leaders.
- Access to a wide range of resources and workshops that raise the standards of home life and school life by the promotion of improved social and parental skills at home, at school and for the community as a whole.
- A voice for you, the parent, through collective representation at government levels and within organizations involved in the education sector and/or youth sectors.
- A subscription to the QFHSA NEWS, published since 1948, which preserves and celebrates the contributions, concerns and activities of local associations, reflecting the unique culture of the English-speaking school community of Quebec.
- Insurance coverage for every volunteer member in good standing when volunteering in a home and school sponsored event. The privilege to function as an independent parent volunteer organization with your own bank account and agenda, in conjunction with your school’s governing board and administration and in accordance with QFHSA’s guidelines.
SEHASA will collect the $20 fee and submit it to the QFHSA on your behalf and for your convenience